It’s our great pleasure to inform you that National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF BD) the pioneer organization in carrying the torch of debate to the grass root level of Bangladesh is going to organize “13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020”on March 27 & 28, 2020 (Friday andSaturday)at the premises of North South University Central Auditorium, Bashundhara,Dhaka.It will bring the grand participation of about 2000 debaters from various School, College, Medical College, Madrasa& Universities across the nation. This festival is going to be the most colorful event of debate throughout the country.

It will be a great opportunity for the young people to share their opinion and learn experiences through the two days long festival composed with different events, such as Show Debate of various format, Debate and Career Workshop, Public Speaking Competition (both English & Bengali), Quiz competition, Meet the Celebrities, Rally, Certificate Distribution, Prize Giving Ceremony, Campfire, Multimedia Presentation and Cultural Program performed by debaters from different institutions.

We believe, this year it will be a milestone in the debating arena where debaters from all over the country will gather under the same roof. We would really appreciate if you send participants from your respective institution. Your cordial presence and cooperation will certainly boost us and make this festival successful

Let’s feel the beauty of logic & work together for a better world.

Students from any School (Bengali Medium, English Medium or English Version), College, Madrasa, Medical College or University, Polytechnic Institute and Individual Debate Club Members (Present, Former or Debate Admirer) of Bangladesh can participate in this festival based on the following notes

  • Students from any School (Bengali Medium, English Medium or English Version), College, Madrasa, Medical College or University, Polytechnic Institute and Individual Debate Club Members (Present, Former or Debate Admirer) of Bangladesh can participate in this festival based on the following notes
    • Each School/ College can send maximum 20 participants.
    • Each University/ Medical college can send maximum 20 participants.
    • Each Madrasa/ Polytechnic Institute can send maximum 10 participants.
    • 5 members from any Open Debate Club can participate.
    • For National Quiz Competition – Each Institution can send maximum two teams (each team consist of two members).
    1. To join the festival, participants/debaters will have to fill up the Festival Registration Form (Photocopy  allowed) properly with due permission from the institution authority.
    2. Limited number of participants will be allowed for the festival. Participants having Festival Pre-Registration ID will get priority for the main registration.
    3. Every institution will have to confirm their registration* within March 20, 2020 by paying the registration fee following below:
    Participants Registration fee (BDT) Participants will receive the following items
    Students Per person 600 BDT (Only Dhaka)

    For Bkash Payment 610 BDT

    Per person 500 BDT (Out of Dhaka)

    For Bkash Payment  510BDT

    Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 2 days, Certificate, Festival T-shirt, Cap, Bag, Pad, Pen, Badge ,Sticker, Souvenir ,Festival Poster etc.
    Honorable Teachers & Moderators Per person 1000 BDT

    For Bkash Payment 1020BDT

    Quiz Competition Per Team 500 BDT

    For Bkash Payment 510 BDT


    • Registration fee can be paid to the District Coordinators directly or through Bank Account (AB Bank, Gulshan Branch- AC No: National Debate Federation BD 4019 7537 12-300) or Bkash Account numbers following below :
    • 01753626352 (Mahmud Hasan –Bkash Personal )
    • 01711018343 (Masud ParvezOve- Bkash Personal)
    • 01764705690 (Walid Hashmi Hossain – Bkash Personal)
    • For Online registration, please visit ndf-bd/registration
    1. Participants can submit their registration forms either through their zonal contact person or by courier service. Postal Address for submitting registration form: FlatB4/ Road 5/ House10 Mirpur11.5/ Pallabi, Dhaka.
    2. Participants can also submit their Writing (relevant to debate, life style, motivation or career etc). After reviewed by the publication authority, selected writings will be published in the souvenir.
    3. Festival Authority will not provide any accommodation or transport allowance.
    4. If anyone wants to take Accommodation facilities, then s/he will have to pay 400BDT per Night (Bkash account: MahabubHasan Ripon, Organizing Secretary, NDF BD 01703216127 andIshratJahanLazuki 01632701166) and must confirm festival authority within March 20, 2020.


    1. Everyone will have to collect the ID card given by Festival Authority to get access to the festival segments.
    2. Everyone will have to carry the gift & food coupon; otherwise s/he will not get food or gift items.
    3. If anyone is found to destruct the purity or image of the festival then the festival authority must take necessary actions against the accused personnel or organization.
    4. Festival authority will not be responsible for the incidents outside the venue.

Program Schedule

(Day 1: March 27, 2020 on Saturday) 

Morning 8.00 am       : Reporting, ID card, Gift Items & Food Coupon Distribution.

Morning 8.30 am       : Breakfast.

Morning 9.00 am       : Hosting National Flag and National Anthem.

Morning 9.30 am       : Grand Rally.

Morning 10.30am      : Opening Ceremony and NDF-BD Life Time Achievement Award.

Morning 11.45am      : Child Debate

Afternoon 12:30 pm   : English Public Speaking Competition (Open for All)
Afternoon 01:00 pm    : Lunch Break & Prayer

Afternoon 02:00 pm    : NDF BD National Debate Championship (NDF BD Format)

Afternoon03.00 pm    : Cultural Show Performed by Participants, Organizers & Guests.

Afternoon03.00 pm   : Quiz Competition (Selection Round, Second Venue)

Afternoon 04.30pm   : Plan Chat Debate

Evening     05.30pm     : Award & Prize Giving Ceremony for participating Institution (First Half will be  given)

Evening     07.00 pm    : UN Model Debate

Evening     08.00 pm    : Camp Fire and Dinner.


(Day 2: March 28, 2020 on Saturday)

 Morning 8.30 am       : Breakfast.

Morning 9.30 am       : Award Giving & Prize Giving Ceremony for participating Institution (Second Half)

Morning 10.30 am     : Panel Debate

Morning 11.30am      : National Quiz Competition (Final Round , Second Venue).

Afternoon 12.30 pm   : NDF BD National Assembly with Regional Committee.(Second Venue)

Afternoon 12.30 pm    : Public Speaking Bangla

Afternoon 01.00 pm    : Lunch& Prayer Break

Afternoon 02.00pm      : Meet the Celebrities.

Afternoon 03.00 pm  : Fun Debate

Afternoon 4.00 pm    : Closing Ceremony.

Evening 05.00 pm      : NDF BD Cultural Show.

Evening 07.00 pm      : Grand Dinner


[Central Contact List]

A.K.M. Shoaib Chairman, NDF BD 01711-541566
Tamzid Hasan Papul Secretary-General, NDF BD 01735-861869
Abir Kalam Azad Apurbo


Co-chairman (Festival), NDF BD 01915-891887
Omar Faruk Sohan Convener, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020 01915-891887
Md. Masud Parvez Co-Convener, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020     01711018343



[Registration Committee]

Mahmudul Hasan  Registration Committee, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020 01753626352
Md. Masud Parvez Registration Committee, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020 01711018343
Walid Hasmi Hossain Registration Committee, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020 01764705690


[Online and Technical Committee]

Mehrab Hossain Robin

Farid Ahmed Niloy

(For any query regarding online registration)

Convener, Technical Committee, 13th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2020, Co-Chairman (Technical), NDF BD 01674-031959


[Accommodation Committee]

Mahabub Hasan Ripon Convener, Accommodation Committee & Adviser to the Chairman  NDF BD 01703216127
Ishrat Jahan Lazuki Member, Accommodation Committee, 11th NDF BD National Debate Festival 2018 01632701166

[Khulna Zone]

Takdirul Gani Nibir Head of Khulna Zone 01718768075
M. Al Aminur Rahman Joint Organizing Secretary, NDF BD 01963596906
Kazi Sayed IqbalChoyon Divisional Coordinator, NDF BD 01732936666
Reza Al Samaun Bin Ashraf District  Ambassador, District AbKhulna 01711994233
Sk Naimur Rahman District  Ambassador, Satkhira 01742231033
Abida Sultana District  Ambassador, 01924394301
Nahidur Rahman Durjoy District  Ambassador, Magura 01763713957
Faisal Mahmud District  Ambassador, Jashore 01778127774
Subrina Nupur District  Ambassador, Narail 01783610026
Syed Shariar Sakline District  Ambassador, Gopalgonj 01997343446
Reza Al Samaun Bin Ashraf District  Ambassador, Khulna 01711994233
Sk NaimurRahman District  Ambassador, Satkhira 01742231033
Abida Sultana District  Ambassador, Bagerhat 01924394301


[Kushtia Zone]

ShamimRana Head of Kushtia Zone 01719307114
Tanvir Ahmed District  Ambassador, Kushtia 01780922934
Sahabuddin Shaikh District  Ambassador, Meherpur 01716236056
Irfat Nur Aboni District  Ambassador, Chuadanga 01999556774
Shahmum Hasan Rasib District  Ambassador, Jhenaidah 01914194162
Zahid Hasan Emon District  Ambassador, Pabna 01756004037
Kudrot Khan District  Ambassador, Rajbari 01714152499


[Mymensingh Zone]

NahidMondol Head of Mymensingh Zone 01711-111835
Rabiul Islam Rimon Joint Secretary, NDF BD
FakharUddinRaji District Ambassador , Netrokona 01925-577467
SabikunnaherBristy District  Ambassador, Mymensingh 01701-723136
Jami Al Adib District  Ambassador, Jamalpur 01799-093631
AtiqueMurshed District  Ambassador, Sherpur 01971-248081


[Rangpur Division]

Zahidul Islam Shihab Joint Secretary, National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF BD 01715470577
H M Abdul Kader Joint Secretary, National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF BD) 01312003181
Toriqul Islam Peash Joint Organizing Secretary, National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF BD) 01725743784
Zannatul Ferdous Toma Director, NDF-BD 01709083982
Prosenjeet Biswas Online 01794868350


Divisional Coordinator

                       Contact Person Contact No.
Anamika Sannal Divisonal Co-Ordinator, National Debate Federation Bangladesh,Rangpur Zone 01767542513
K.M. Kowshik Ahmed Joint Divisional Co-Ordinator, National Debate Federation Bangladesh,Rangpur Zone 01774641894
Moniruzzaman Moon Joint Divisional Co-Ordinator, National Debate Federation Bangladesh,Rangpur Zone 01765940963


Thakurgaon District Coordinator

                Contact Person                     Number
Rubel Hossain District Ambassador, National Debate Federation, NDF BD 01704364179
FahimaNupur Member, National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF-BD), Rangpur Zone 01750482491
Abdul Akher Riad Member, NDF-BD, Rangpur Zone 01799115927


Dinajpur District Coordinator

                                          Contact Person  Contact No.
Saeid Hasan Co-Ordinator& Executive Member 01787659869
Md. Rayhan Habib Dinajpur Govt. College 01866946715
Shariar Nafis Neloy DinajpurZilla School 01830343522
Jahid Hasan Birgonj, Dinajpur 01770604658


Rangpur District Coordinator

Contact Person Contact No.
Redwanur Rifat Pranto District Co-Ordinator, NDF-BD, Rangpur zone 01763214324
Amorish Chandra Mohonto Rangpur, (GangachoraUpozila) 01767564592
Md. MehedyHasanMaruf President,Haragach Debating Society, Haragach,Rangpur. 01750006252
Niaz Khalid District Co-Ordinator 01792875301

Nilphamari District Co-ordinator

Contact Person Contact No.
Sanower Sadi Nilphamari Govt. college 01755257200
Naimur Rahman Member, Nilphamari Debate Federation 01744227691
Md.Wasif Jaman Saidpur, Nilphamari 01783123269


Panchagarh District Co-Ordinator

Contact Person   Contact No.
Pritiraj Chandro Roy District Ambassador, National Debate Federation Bangladesh 01793849349
Md. Ahonaf Shahariar Sohag Debating Society of HSTU 01791803999
Farhan Istiaque Member, National Debate Federation Bangladesh, Rangpur Zone 01709905817
Ayon B.P. High school, Panchagarh 01793830092


Lalmonirhat District Co-ordinator

Md. Mizanur Rahman Member, BegumRokeya University Debate Forum, Rangpur) 01760583274


Gaibanda District Co-ordinator

Contact Person   Contact No.
Md. Golam Mostafa District Co-Ordinator 01770837417
Ashraful Islam Roni Debating Society of HSTU 01743595004


Kurigram District Co-Ordinator

Contact Person   Contact No.
Md. Taherul Islam Masud Begum Rokeya University Rangpur 01706037502


Rajshahi Division

Abu AwalSarder Co-Chairman, NDF BD &

Head of Rajshahi Divisional

Arup Ratan Seal Joint Secretary, NDF BD 01735784217
Armani Torafder

Arunavo Suprotim

Suraiya Akhian

District Ambassador, Bogura

NDF BD Member

NDF BD Member




Abu Bait Siam

Kawsar Ahmed

District Ambassador , Natore

NDF BD Member



ShafinJubayer District Ambassador , Sirajgaonj 01759351056
Al Fysal Emon

Nishat Pande

District Ambassador, Chapainawabganj

NDF BD Member



Shakila Dil Afroz Misty

Nusrat Farjan Ani

Joint Secretary, NDF BD

District Ambassador, Rajshahi



Shahid Tajwar Jeon District Ambassador, Naogaon 01778154755
Rafsan Jani Shourov

Bayezid Bostami

Executive Member, NDF BD

District Ambassador, Joypurhat




Barisal Division

Zahidulislam Divisional Moderator, Barisal

Adviser to the Chairman, NDF BD

Sabedul Islam Sohel Divisional Coordinator, Barisal

Joint Secretary, NDF BD

Tanvir Ahmed Afnan

Mosarraf Hosen

Bhola 01771265024


Rasel Mahmud

HM Mostafizur

Patuakhali 01715516278


Aradha Afrin Ria

Dolon Howlader

Barguna 01770038985


Md Mohibbullah

Md Ismai lHossain





H.M Mamun Jhalokati 01781960676
Apurba Gain Agoljhara 0174324345
SN Sourav Gronode 01789206789
Lamia Islam Babugonj 01728571492
Marufa Mily Bakergonj 01704610810
Nayem Islam Roky


Imtiaj Khan


Barishal City





 Chattogram Division

Motiur Rahman Sobuj Co-Chairman, NDF BD 01922458760
Sorowar Hossain Bulbul Joint Secretary, NDF BD 01682619482
Esrat Jahan Ema Chittagong 01624366496
Abu Saleh Afnan Lakshmipur 01919363702
Amin Ullah Fahad Noakhali 01865122078


Sylhet Division 

Mohammad Khalilur Rahman Chief coordinator, Sylhet Zone

Co-chairman, NDF BD

Aminur Rhaman Ruhit Co-ordinator, Sylhet

Joint organizing secretary

Shakhwat Hossain Tuhin

Jewel ahmed

Dibbyo dey

Mudassir Nabil

Co-Cordinator ,Sylhet District.

Organizing secretary, Sylhet Zone

NDFBD Sylhet District

Assistant publication, Sylhet Zone





Estiak Ahmed

Khalilur Rahman Nahid

BAF Shahin College , Moulvibazar

Organizing secretary, Moulvibazar



Shahin Alom

Joynul Hussain Tuhin

Co-coordinator ,Sunamganj District.

Ambassador, Sunamganj District



Md Ashad sajib

Abu kaisar al sijan

Ambassador, Hobigonj District

Organizing Secretary, Sylhet




Dhaka Division 

Shatil Rahman

Ohee Siddique

District Ambassador, Tangail

NDF BD Member



Md Shahriar Hassan Galib District Ambassador, Gazipur 01610831515
Rashedul Alam District Ambassador, Narayanganj 01600011029
Mahmud Hasan Joint Secretary, NDF BD

District Representative, Manikganj




Download form NDF-BD 13th National Festival