The inauguration of debate performance, an art of human scholastic works, is practicing around the planet since it emerged more than thousands of years ago. It is the human’s inherited power that is he/she argues with one another from respective views. But the development of such trend has not gained the level of maturity yet. Presently most of the countries in the world are practicing this trend and the new born Bangladesh stands aside them with appreciable success.
Miles To Go…
The National Debate Federation Bangladesh (NDF-BD) shouldering the responsibility to give a fruitful sequence in the debating arena, keeping into mind that it will be very difficult to perform this noble job single handedly. That’s why the organization moved forward from their very beginning with a number of reputed debating clubs across the country.
More than sixty public & private universities, two hundred school & colleges and ten non-educational debating organizations are working in the same platform. It is the first organization that has tried to bring all the debating forums across the country.
NDF-BD is always keen to work with innovative ideas and organizing National debate festiva,national medical college debate festival,divisional debate workshops and different social development programs at different places of the country on a regular basis:
‘Debate’ is an innovative and prominent event in the cultural arena of our country. NDF BD believes that through practicing debate one can achieve the capability of tolerating other words, opinions & conflicts, which is badly needed in present socio-economic condition of our country. We also believe that besides academic learning the students who will be the future leader of the country should become skilled of expressing their own opinion in an impressive and logical way. And this practice needs to start at the very early stage of life so that he can prepare himself as a good orator.
The main aim of this Debate Festival is to encourage the students so that they can involve themselves with this prestigious event of the cultural world, which will give a long term impact on human resource development of the country. This program will create an opportunity of make close interactions among the students, teachers and professionals and to discuss with the various topics related with their career which will ultimately give a guideline for the future.